

OPEN GRADED MEETINGS AND CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS – the club championships will be decided on each athlete’s best five performances (event requirements to be confirmed) from the following track and field meetings:- Inverness Harriers’ Open Graded Meeting – Sun 9 April; North District Championships Sat 13 May; Senior and Age Group National Championships; FOUR mini-meets to be held across the summer.
One of these nini meetings will be in conjunction with the Scottish Athletics Thorws Grand Prix on Saturday 13 May and another will take place on the evening of Friday 7th July when we expect to have our annual Australian visitors. The other two dates have yet to be confirmed, along with programmes

“£1.50s” – just for confirmation, the £1.50 fee applies on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and will soon also apply on Saturday mornings since High Life Highland have ruled that High Life cards cannot be used for coached sessions so we will have to book the track.
The fee applies as follows – for under 17s and below this is a coaching and track fee and is paid by everyone through the “front desk” apart from those in Charlie’s, Dianne’s and Duncan’s groups who pay this directly to their coaches. For seniors and under 20s, this is a track use fee and is only payable by athletes using the track or the infield.
It is the responsibility of club members to ensure that this is paid – to the front desk or, for U20/seniors, to their coach as appropriate. Athletes working outwith a coaching group must ensure that this is paid to a coach.
NB – this fee is also payable on Wednesday nights, to any club coach who may be present or to the Challenger coach on duty.
The committee will be implementing spot checks on payment of £1.50s.

CRAIG DUNAIN HILL RACE – this is on Saturday 18th March. Information can be found on the Scottish Hill Runners’ website. Anyone able to help on the day is asked to contact Billy Skinner as soon as possible.

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