Joggers News

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Apologies, but due to an IT error, recent emails have been lost, so here is an update on recent Joggers activity.

Halloween Thrills in the Cairngorm Hills

On Halloween, 4 scary joggers went down to Aviemore to run the Cairngorm Runners Halloween mystery run. They ran a 7k round Rothiemurchus Forest in complete darkness apart from the light of our head torches. About 30 runners took part some in Halloween Costumes. It was a really well organised friendly event (apart from the vampire jumping out on us) and the course was well marked with a Halloween theme. After the run we were invited back to Glenmore Lodge for soup and stovies which went down very well. After the heavy rain in Inverness today we enjoyed a dry calm night for our run. Would definitely recommend it for next year. The Joggers who ran were; Charlie Jarvie, Sylvia Main, Iain Ross and Lee Ross.

More Thrills in the Hills at Meal Na Bhuchaille Race

A big shout goes out to Lynsey MacDonald and John Macleod for sterling performances in the Meal Na Bhuchaille Hill race.  A first ” upwardly mobile” race for both.  Keep up the good work guys.

If you have any news, particularly from Joggers, Social or other areas that deserve exposure drop a report and photos if possible to Ross Nixon at or

Don’t hide your light under a bushel – get it on the website - Got to keep the Joggers profile to the fore.

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