CLUB MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS – Message from the membership secretary Charlie Bannerman


Almost a month past the renewal date, these continue to be slow to come in. The rate is about 30% down on the corresponding period last year and little over a quarter of last year’s members have renewed so far….
I would remind everyone that the period of grace expires on 30th November at which point all club membership rights cease. These would therefore include competing for the club in the District cross country championships on December 3rd. They also, of course, include the right to attend training sessions, on which I will be issuing a contract to my Front Desk associate, Mack The Knife!
The club also renews Scottish Athletics memberships for those born after 31.8.2000, but only once club subscriptions are up to date. This means that juniors due to rejoin Scottish Athletics from September onwards will not have this done for them until their club renewals are dealt with.
I hope it will not be necessary to continue this policy of escalating grumpiness any further!

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